We went camping at Banks Lake in Eastern Wahington this weekend and had a great time. The weather was hot and dry, but it was perfect weather for camping. The weekend started out a bit rough though. First off it was a 4 hour drive over to the camp site which normally wouldn't be so bad but since I have all day sickness that makes me just want to up and die the ride was not so fun. Note to all you who are planning on having kiddos someday, if you have morning sickness then motion sickness is right behind! Anyway, we get to the campsite finally and check in. Eric gets a map to our specific site (the place we went to had about 300 camp sites) and we start to set up camp. All is going well until Eric spooks a snake on his way back to the car. This snake was big and brown and ugly (I think all snakes are ugly though) but it did not have a rattle on it so after having a momentary panic I pulled myself together and continue to set up camp. Two trips to the car later Eric spooks another snake and this time we both clearly saw a rattle attached to the end of it. That was it for Sam. Apparently I am completely terrified of snakes and have no tolerence, this is not something you can dsetermine until you are face to face with a snake and see what your response is. I immediately started to hyperventalate and sob in a full fledged panic attack. (Not one of my finer moments) The kids however thought that the idea of a snake was really cool and they wanted to go and take a closer look. Eric wisely took one look at me and said, "Do you want me to see if we can rent a cabin?" That was met with a hearty YES! and the end result was that we stayed in a cabin rather than the tent. Andrew was upset, He really wanted to go tent camping, but he got over it. The cabin we rented was cool and had air conditioning and power but no running water. That was fine with me as long as it was snake free!
After the whole snake incident, it was time to meet up with the people from Eric's work we were there with. They had all rented houses complete with showers, kitchen and comfy beds. Eating at there place took place a lot. The first night we ended up playing Guesstures which is a fun game and Eric and I rocked at it! Finally a game that we can play together without jeopordizing our marriage! Andrew even got into it and mimed out some stuff for us to guess. It was a lot of fun.
The next day we spent at the beach. Steve and Jen had brought there boat over and they ferried us all to a beach at was super shallow for like 100 feet. Perfect for little boys to play in without Eric and I being nervous the whole time. Andrew and Eric also went intertubing behind the boat and Andrew loved it! I was surprised. I thought it might scare him but he was really excited about it and going with daddy was lots of fun! Anyway, later that night we went to see the laser light show at Grand Coulee Dam. That was pretty cool. Andrew and I really liked it, Zane fell asleep.
Next morning we just packed up for the long 4 hour drive home. Once again sickness caught up with me but I made it. Just no more road trips until this first trimester junk is over with! I wish that I had remembered to take some pictures but oh well! I don't think a snake picture would be what you wanted to see anyway!