From Joanna's blog(, I've been tagged.
Here is how it goes...
1. Link your tagger and list the rules on the blog.
2. Share 7 facts about your kiddos on your blog…random, weird, funny…whatever you want!
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post
1. Amazingly tough when it comes to shots. Does not cry as long as he knows he is getting one that day.
2. Super Helper! with all tasks
3. Loves to play video games, especially his Cars playstation game
4. Thinks that typing on an empty word document is the best fun ever.
5. Super slip and slider!
6. Braver than me when it comes to roller coasters
7. Can not wait until kindergarten starts!
1. Still not potty trained or showing any indication that he ever wants to be out of diapers. Regardless of the bribe involved.
2. Sweetest little grin, especially when being naughty
3. Loves his Lovey and Thomas the choo choo train. That is it. Eric and I are both apparently out of his good graces.
4. Desperate to start swimming lessons
5. Loves Andrew and follows him constantly
6. Is a big boy when it comes to playing with other kids but insists he is still a little boy the rest of the time
7. Still figuring out the whole jealousy thing when it comes to Lucy. Sometimes he pinches her for no apparent reason at all
1. Slept for 12, you read it right, hours last night. Thought I had entered heaven!
2. Is HUGE in comparison to the babies I saw yesterday.
3. So happy all the time. Only fusses when hungry or tired
4. Loves her toes. She sucks on them all the time!
5. Follows her brothers around with her eyes constantly. She is going to terrorize them I am sure.
6. Eats cereal like a champ
7. Can sit up much better than I give her credit for. I tried putting her up yesterday and she sat unassisted for about 10 seconds. Hmmmmmm I guess I should start putting her down like that more often.
I tag Jen, Kelly and Tracie! Well, that is us! Have fun with your own lists. I can't wait to read them.