Weight: 23# 3oz (56%)
Height: 31" (67%)
I actually thought she would be a bit taller than that but apparently she is just looking tall to me. In comparison to the boys she is close to tracking with Andrew for weight but she is considerably shorter than he was at this point. As I told the doctor, I am glad she is not on track to be a lumberjack! The only thing the doctor and I chatted about this time was that Lucy is not terribly verbal yet. I just assumed that since she is a girl she would be super chatty by now. I think part of the problem is that I am not listening to her babble and interpreting it correctly. I think she really only says "ma" and "da" but in the office both the doctor and I could swear she said "read it" "elmo" and "book." So maybe my ears just need to be listening better. Either way it is nothing to worry about (according to doctor) until she hits 18 months and then they would just test her hearing. I am sure she will be chatting my ear off by then and I will be wishing for a little peace and quiet. :)
Here are some Lucy lunchtime pictures to enjoy!

She is getting so big! Whenever I see Lucy eating something like a big girl it reminds me that I need to start giving William more chances to eat in a more advanced way. I still tend to cut everything into TINY little bits, but Lucy can obviously do a slice of bread, and so Will probably could too! What a time saver!
Now Lucy has a cow if you rip up her sandwiches. She watches the boys and wants exactly what they have. One of the downfalls of lots of kids. They insist on growing up MUCH faster than you want them to!
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