Zane has been trying to copy Andrew with his school work lately. I have a couple of pre-school workbooks that I got when Andrew was little that are only half used up. Zane has taken to them like a duck to water. He is so excited to pull out the book and do the pages. Currently he really enjoys the big/small, tall/short comparison type pages. Those ones are the math readiness worksheets. Most pages have something that you trace over and then something that you color. It is all a pre-writing thing. We are working on letters too. He already knows most of his letters by sight (at least the capital ones) and we are working on the sounds right now as well. I still am pretty determined to not send him to kindergarten until he is 6 though. That late August birthday is a killer! I think I would rather him be one of the oldest in his class rather than the baby. But man is he going to be ready for kindergarten by the time he turns 6!!!
He's your silent genius
Yes. He hides behind his naughtiness as a disguise!
I used to love "homework" when I was little. I think it is a good idea to keep him home till 6. He will be ahead of the game that way, and boys always take longer to mature.
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