Andrew had his annual IEP meeting today about his speech therapy. We have been very pleased with Andrew's progress. He is making great strides in his sounds that we are working on as well as sounds that we haven't worked on. The speech pathologist at his school feels like Andrew may reach his goals faster than the 3 year program. She feels he will probably be ready to graduate from speech within 2 years.
Andrew is a very hard worker when it comes to his speech homework. He is conscientious about his pronunciation and wants to improve. Not that he doesn't like speech. In fact I think he likes it a lot. But it will be nice for him to be in the classroom full time. Right now he is going to the speech room 2 times a week. In January he will begin going only 1 time a week.
It is very nice to hear that he is doing well. As parents, Eric and I want him to succeed to his maximum potential and getting his speech worked on was necessary. It was also nice to hear that he did not regress over the summer in his speech sounds. Especially since we were woefully negligent about practicing with him. Too much fun was going on!
Hooray for my Andrew and his great progress!!!
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