Today we made our annual trek to the Evergreen State Fair. This year we took advantage of no cost for admission before 1 pm. The price was perfect so off we headed to see the sites.

This morning I very specifically looked to see if there was supposed to be rain. The forecast showed no sign of it so we made our plans to do the usual things: Pig Races, Lunch, Lumberjack show, animal barns and vendor barns. Well, about 45 minutes after we got to the fair it started to rain. And rain and rain and rain it did. All day long it down poured on us. Not August fair weather for sure!

We met up with some good friends from church though and had a fun time checking out the animal barns, eating some lunch and chatting up some vendors.

The kiddos were beat by about 2:30 so we threw in the towel and headed for home and some hot chocolate. A different kind of fair experience but a good one for sure. Can't wait to do it again next year.
What news source do you check? I new about the rain days ago ;P Usually it is pretty good too.....
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