It has been awhile since I had posted anything. All the munchkins are doing great.
Miss Lucy has decided to be my little shadow this week. She follows me around everywhere I go and wants to be involved in everything I am doing. It is quite cute and as long as I am up and moving it keeps her mostly out of trouble. We watched the movie Ramona and Beezus this weekend and I have decided that my Lucy is another Ramona. It is going to be a very interesting process of growing up with her I think!

Miss Gwennie-Girl has been busy, busy, busy. She is turning into quite the little mother and plays with her baby dolls a lot. Eric caught her laying in bed playing patty-cake with her dolly the other night. And as much as Lucy is a momma's girl Gwen is a just as much a daddy's girl. This weekend we went to Costco and after lunch Eric took the big 3 to the bathroom and left Gwen and Reid with me. Gwen screamed for almost 10 minutes straight about how she wanted her daddy. Adorable and heartbreaking all at the same time.

Mr. Zane has been very busy reading up a storm to me. He is currently enjoying Frog and Toad Together and is doing great with it. It is so exciting seeing him reading and enjoying it. He often asks to sit with me and read. It is a very nice companion activity with nursing Reid. It is going to be so crazy to send him to kindergarten in only two and half months! He is getting very excited for it though. I think now that he can read he feels prepared to go to school. I don't know what all he is going to learn in kindergarten but at least he won't feel like he is behind.

Mr. Andrew is almost done with 2nd grade. He has done an amazing job this year and I am quite interested to see what his teacher has to say on his report card. Today Andrew got to celebrate his birthday at school. Since he has a summer birthday it is very interesting to see how each teacher deals with it differently. This year his teacher has given each kid a day that is there school birthday so they can bring treats and be celebrated just like the kids with birthdays during the school year. He was very excited to take cookies to school today to share with his class.
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