Friday, November 29, 2013

Little Lucy Lost

The day after Thanksgiving we always go to Fred Meyer for their half off all socks sale. At this point it is tradition. I had been up most of the night with a sick Reid boy (And yes I took him shopping with me. I promise I wiped the cart down with Purell after I was done.) so I was almost a walking zombie I was so tired. I was looking for some different socks and the kids were dutifully wandering along behind me. Andrew had the cart with Ollie, Reid and Gwen right by it and Zane was sticking really close to me. Lucy was also right by me but was very happy to look at all the new Christmas decorations and candy that was on the end cap by the table I was digging through. I turned to leave and called to Lucy to put the stuff down and come and then left. I was sure she was following me. I went to the next aisle (only 30 feet away, through a sea of people) and continued to hunt. The next thing I hear was "Will Lucy's mom please come to the register?" And I thought to myself (in my sleep deprived state) I have a Lucy. And then I looked around noticed that Lucy was not with me. That must be my Lucy! So off to the register at Customer Service I went and sure enough it was my girl that came back to me. She was very upset and cried a lot. I think it scared her a ton. Later that day I asked her what she had done when she realized she could not find me and she said that she found a worker lady and told her she could not find her mom. I asked her how she knew which people were the workers and she said that they had name tags on. So ultimately even though I hope that never happens again I am really glad that Lucy knew what to do.

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