Today was the kid fishing derby at Lake Tye in Monroe. We have gone with the kids the last two years and it is a lot of fun. They overstock a netted off portion of the lake and it is supposed to make it easier to catch a fish. Zane was very excited to fish. He saw the poles in the back of the van before church this morning and he started asking questions. Can't pull the wool over his eyes for long!

Gwen was not impressed with the fishing. It was nap time and she wanted to sleep. I ended up carrying her most of the afternoon which made it very difficult to help with the fishing.

Within the first 5 minutes of us putting pole in the water Zane had managed to get his line in a terrible snarl. I still don't know how he managed it.

This was Lucy's first experience with fishing. She thought holding the pole was fun. But even more fun was putting her feet in the water.... with her shoes on of course. Then she got sand on her hands and screamed for about 10 minutes. It was a wonderful experience.

Andrew was the most excited to fish. He is very patient with the process. He is a good fishing buddy for Eric. Doesn't get too bored. Seems to enjoy the quiet.

The end result of the day was zero fish. That was ok though. Nobody else around us seemed to be catching much either. We had fun anyway. Of course now I have to figure out what to have for dinner tonight. I had planned on some trout! I suppose there is always next time!
1 comment:
That last picture really shows the talented photographer my wife is. She managed to frame just us even though we were shoulder to shoulder with about 300 other people on the lake. Nice work sweetie.
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