He is at a major transition point between picture books and chapter books. He is learning to see the pictures in his mind rather than have them on the page. It is forcing him to use his imagination more and more. It is a good thing but it is difficult to get him into a new series. Once Andrew has read a book in the series it is fine. He has a frame of reference but trying to get him to try something new is tough. Just part of his personality though.

Right now Andrew has read all of the Frog and Toad books and all of the Poppleton books. Both series are quite cute. I am going to try and rope him into Henry and Mudge next. This summer will be full of reading! Got to keep that brain chugging along!

I LOVE these pictures! He is so focused! I am so glad he is getting into reading, I can't imagine my life without gobs and gobs of books...
He is so funny! I showed him the pictures and he burst into tears. He said that pictures of him reading are embarrassing. I have no idea why. He really never told me. I had to promise to not take any more photos of him reading. He said maybe when he is older it won't be so embarrassing. What a nut!
That is so funny! I was just telling Andy the other day that I think Levi would love the Nate the Great books. (For one because he LOVES pancakes, and two, it is such a great series for boys). Anyway, I will have to check some out at the library. Thanks for the reminder! Love to see the kids reading.
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