Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Walk to Haystack Rock

We decided a walk down to Haystack Rock was in order. From the conference center it is just about a mile on the beach. Not too far for little feet but definitely a distance that would wear them out a little bit. We dressed the kiddos in swim stuff 'just in case' they decided to get into the water at all. The weather was absolutely gorgeous but the wind was blowing quite a bit. That didn't stop them from doing a little bit of wave jumping on the trip down.

The boys were super excited to be in the water. We generally just play in the river because of the unsafe/unpredictable currents right in front of the place we stay but as we walked down the kids were pretty safe getting in just up to their knees.

All was well in Lucy and Gwen's world until Lucy get tumbled by a wave. Lucy proceeded to completely flip out. I think it really scared her. Gwen still was in the water but only up to her knees. She was not going to get tumbled like Lucy.

Reid has been exhausted this trip. Seriously tired. He is not napping consistently anymore and he is a nightmare to put to bed when he does nap so this walk was somewhat excruciating to take him on. He finally wanted to brave the water so he got his toes wet. Then a wave came in and got the very bottom of his swimsuit wet and it was massive game over for him. He ran back shrieking and sobbing. Poor little guy.

This was about as close as we got to the rock. The kids by this time had played in the water as much as they could stand and the wind really was blowing quite hard. Fortunately it was blowing our side so it wasn't horrid but still. Wet and cold kids are not happy kids. So we called it good and took a side road back to town.

We bribed the very cold, wet, sandy and whiny children with the promise of candy. That was a fabulous promise to keep. They were so excited to get their jawbreakers, gummy worms and salt water taffy. And it was much less windy on the way back home. Always a plus. We plan to head back at low tide this week to see the sea critters up close and personal. Hopefully it will be a more pleasant experience for all of us!

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