Tuesday, June 19, 2007

4:15 am

Zane was awake at 4:15 this morning. I think he had kicked his covers off and was cold. I don't know for sure because I didn't go and look at him. I just laid in bed and prayed that he would somehow fall back asleep! He eventually did around 5:30 but not before waking up his brother who is by far much more difficult to convince to go back to sleep once awake! Andrew came and laid in bed with me while I tried to go back to sleep myself until about 6:30 when he wanted to get up and watch some cartoons. He did while I slept some more. By the time we all were up it was close to 9:00 but Zane has been super crabby all morning and it is all his fault that we were awake in the first place! Ridiculous!!! At least Eric had to stay late for work this morning because somehow, someway all this would have been his fault if he had been home! Let me tell you, he really dodged a bullet of Sammy crabbiness on that one!

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