Monday, May 21, 2012

Mr. Busy

I have known since Reid was quite young that he and Lucy had a lot of similar personality traits. They are both hot tempered, feisty, love to be snuggled and very, very busy.

A new milestone has been reached this week and I have to admit that I am not excited about it. Reid has figured out how to climb up onto our kitchen chairs. Which has resulted in him standing on the kitchen table and counter tops more than once.

This is not a good thing. Now I have to watch him like a hawk to make sure he isn't table dancing while I am in the other room. In the past 5 minutes he has probably fallen off the kitchen chair 6 times. Does that stop him? No. He just keeps climbing up, falling down, crying and repeating.

I barely made it through Miss Lucy and her busy little self. She is just now finally being semi self controlled. I am not looking forward to doing this with Reid!

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