Monday, August 23, 2010

Andrew's 7 Year Old Checkup

This week is going to be the week of doctor's appointments! Today I had to take Andrew and Gwen in for their well child checks. Andrew is doing great and I had no questions about him at all. He is getting awfully big though!

Height: 50.5" (85%)
Weight: 54# 3 oz (62%)

He is doing just great and growing on schedule. When I plug his info into the height predictor calculator it says he should be right around 6'1" It will be interesting to see how accurate (or not) it is in the years to come.


joanna said...

That is awesome. Yea for growing, healthy kids! Just out of curiousity, how tall does it say Zane will be when you plug his info into the chart?

Little Blessings said...

Zane it says will be 6'4" My food budget hurts already.