Sunday, February 12, 2012

8 is the Age

It is a fun and curious transition when you start taking your kids to the adult events that we go to in life. It seems that in our family 8 is the perfect age to start making this transition.

For the past several years Eric has attended a men's event at my mom's church. It is a "Wild Meat Dinner" and they serve all kinds of food that people hunt. Usually there is elk, deer, turkey, bear, salmon and occasionally moose and duck as the proteins. Eric, of course, LOVES this event since it is all about eating, and both boys have been longing to go for several years.

Well this year, since Andrew turned 8, he got his chance to go. And he LOVED all the different types of meat. He is such a little hunter at heart.

I asked the kids the other day what a great adventure would be to them and Andrew IMMEDIATELY stated "Going hunting, shooting a deer and skinning it. Then eating it."

Apparently he is Eric's child.

What an amazing young man he is becoming. Makes this momma's heart very, very proud.

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