Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Miserable Little Boy

It is never fun when the kids are sick.But Reid is taking sick and miserable to an entirely new level. He has had a fever for just over two days but other than that there are no symptoms. I took him to the doctor today, no ear infection and his nose and sinuses looked good. I knew all that. I just was desperately hoping that something could be done to help my poor little man.

Because he is MISERABLE when he is sick. He is whiny, clingy, desperate for me to hold him but then wanting down 2 seconds later when I pick him up. I cannot walk out of his sight without a total and complete meltdown.

He wants to nurse, constantly. But yet not really eat anything. He is refusing solid food but constantly, constantly is at me to nurse. And then when he does nurse, not a lot of actual eating is done. It is a vicious cycle. Apparently I need to just walk around as an open milk bar to suit him and his needs. I love him dearly. I enjoy him more when he is well.

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