Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

Close to the last minute but we made it! The kids were so excited to carve pumpkins tonight! Andrew did a great job scooping all the guts himself. Gwen wanted nothing to do with the pumpkin guts. She is so squeamish like that.

Lucy and Zane were both thrilled with the pumpkin process. They scooped valiantly but managed to get the two most slimy pumpkins. They took the longest to clean out. I think Zane had guts up to his armpit by the time he was done. Good thing he was thrilled with the entire experience.

I really didn't know what to expect from Reid. He is pretty fussy when it comes to textures so I was actually surprised that he eventually did try and scoop seeds out of his pumpkin. And then when it was all cleaned out he tried to put them back in of course.

Eric and I wielded the knives again this year. The kids told us what faces to carve and we went at it. Some year soon we will trust Andrew to carve his own. We have lots of years of pumpkin carving ahead of us before they are all independent.

All aglow!

On the porch, Happy Halloween!

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