Monday, February 25, 2013

Such a Good Daddy

The kids love playing games. I think they must get it from my side of the family. My dad was a huge fan of card games and we played a lot of them growing up. Eric is not a huge fan of card games but because he loves his babies he played Uno with the girls tonight after work. He played Michigan Rummy with the big boys this weekend too.

After the girls ballet recital we headed to Costco to grocery shop and eat some delicious food court dinner. As we were walking out of the store a man stopped Eric and said, "Sir, thank you for being kind to your kids." Eric looked surprised and thanked the man for the comment and we went on our way. But it is true. Eric is kind to his kids. He speaks kindly to them and spends time with them as much as he can. We are so blessed to have such a nice dad for our family.

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