Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Evergreen State Fair

Today we went to the Evergreen State Fair to see the sites, eat the food and most important for the kids, pet the animals! Zane was super excited about the sweet little piggies. He made the pig noises (oinking and squealing) it was very cute. By the time we made it through the pig barn though he was pretty tired so most of the rest of his explaration was done in the stroller.

The kids also sampled the petting zoo. They had a great time although they were so busy and moving that getting pictures was almost impossible!

Finally, we also went and checked out the pictures that I had entered into the fair this year. Much to my surprise I had won the sweepstakes prize which means that my photo was selected as the best in the fair overall. Pretty amazing! I will just have to watch out though so I don't get a huge head over it!

Here I am posing next to my award winning photo, Eric's idea and insisting. (It is of Zane and you can see it on the blog, it is on one of my very first entries when I started blogging) I will get to keep the big ribbon and Eric is about ready to burst with pride. He takes my placement in the fair much, Much, MUCH more seriously than I do. I just do it because I like the feedback. Apparently, the feedback on this picture will be good. Sadly the other picture I entered only made a 3rd place ribbon. Hmmm, I wonder what I did wrong with that one?

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