Thursday, December 1, 2011

Swimming Again!

Another round of swimming lessons began this week. All the kids are in the same levels as last session so they know what to expect. Andrew is getting some good work in on the crawl stroke, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. It is significantly more work than the previous level classes were but he is doing a great job and really improving on his form and endurance.

Zane is busily trying to pass Beginner 1. He is having a great time and I feel pretty confident that this session he will pass to Beginner 2. He is finally mellowed out and stopped being such a goofball in class so he can learn something. Unfortunately he is like a lead balloon in the water and he sinks. Floating is real work for him but he is doing great overall.

Lucy..... well, she is in Preschool 2. She is a little fish with no fear of the water. This translates into her falling (jumping) off the tot dock in the water and almost drowning herself. She fell off of it twice today before we finally pulled her out of the water. This is no reflection on the teacher. Lucy knows she is supposed to be holding onto the wall and is completely refusing to follow the rules. Hopefully getting pulled out before class was done today will make the difference in her behavior. She is just too fearless. It really isn't safe.

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