Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sarcasm Speaks

Eric and I have a very unfortunate tendency toward sarcasm. Very unfortunate. And for those of you out there who also speak sarcasm fluently, you know how incredibly difficult it can be to turn it off once you have gotten the hang of it. Andrew has learned the art of sarcasm. And I must admit that hearing it come out of the mouth of my 7 year old causes very mixed emotions. On one hand, I am relieved. Because those who deal in the world of sarcasm tend to have a solid sense of humor. They see the irony in comments and situation and are able to process it. For my highly verbally sensitive boy this is a good thing. It means he isn't taking EVERYTHING literally. Which he kinda has a tendency to do. On the other hand, it is totally and completely unnerving to hear a sarcastic reply come out of his mouth when I ask him to do something. Because sarcasm is quite disrespectful at times. Ok, most of the time.

I was mentioning to my mom today that Andrew has learned sarcasm and she related the following story. Last weekend mom was watching the kids while Eric and I went out for a nice lunch date. They were all playing games and Zane was melting down and throwing a fit. After a few minutes Zane finally gave it up and stopped screeching. Silence filled the air. At that point Andrew looked at my mom and said, "Well that's a heavenly sound." Yeah. That type of talk.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

LOL! I think it's great that he is developing a mature sense of humor. I despise when people don't get sarcasm. I get what you mean about being rude, but I think there is a big difference between him relating to adults around him through humor, and sassiness...Go Andrew!