Monday, July 18, 2011

Apparently Big Enough

I have been waiting to try the saucer-sizer with Reid until he was 4 months old. But just today Kelly figured her little man Charlie was big enough for their toy and since Reid is almost 6 weeks older than Charlie I thought maybe I was being excessive with the waiting and should give it a try.

All in all Reid seems to like the toy. He has been playing in it for a bit and other than the big kiddos trying to show him all the toys at once it has gone really well. I think Reid will be in it for awhile. Which is a bit of a relief. I like it when a toy lasts!

Hmmm.... I wonder how I can get this thing in my mouth?


Kelly said...

Teehee! That was fast! I stick a rolled up burp rag or a stuffed animal behind Charlie to keep him from wobbling too much back and forth...Reid looks so cute in it! I think for these little refluxers it's a good idea to have a place they can be in an upright position...

Little Blessings said...

Yep. The Bumbo seems to put more stress on his belly than this. I think the saucer will be better in the long run!

Kelly said...

I also have one of those Johnny Jumpup door things, which I will start using soon. Upright seems to be the way to go with this one.