Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Reid Isaiah's 2 Year Checkup

Reid had his 2 year old check this week and there were a few things that I wanted to check in with the doctor about. The first item was his continued issues with milk and soft cheeses. Everything that I have read and heard said that by the time he was two he 'should' have grown out of this particular allergy. I told our pediatrician that I have yet to try straight milk but that the last time I fed him ravioli with ricotta cheese he threw up the next day and had horrid diapers for 3 days. She agreed that was enough to consider it still an allergy. I can't tell if it bothers his stomach though and she thought that it would be worth continuing to try those type of things periodically when he can tell us if they make him feel sick to his stomach. Poor kid. No ice cream for him.

The second thing I had to chat with her about was his repeat ear infections at the same time of year two years in a row. He seems to be sensitive to something at the end of January/start of February and gets horrid ear infections from them. She gave me dosing for Zyrtec that I can give him next time around. I thought maybe he is allergic to something and she didn't think my theory was too bad. So we will give it a shot next year. He is so healthy usually and even when he has a cold he can kick it quickly so two years in a row at the same time is puzzling.

All in all though he is super healthy and developmentally right on track. When I completed the survey I was pleasantly surprised to see that he was doing all things for his age group. Even his speech is considered well within the normal range. And of course we did the measurements. He is smaller than the big boys but I think he will eventually catch up to them!

Height: 35" (67%)
Weight: 29 lbs (63%)

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