Sunday, November 9, 2008

No Ma'am!

There is a new phrase at our house called "no ma'am!" Lucy seems to think it is great fun to spit. She does it while eating, playing, talking or just because she wants your attention. Eric and I aren't super thrilled about it so we say "no ma'am" to let her know that it isn't proper behavior. (In case you are wondering, no, she doesn't seem to really get it and she keeps spitting, but we are working on it!) The boys seem to have taken it upon themselves to be the spitting police though. Eric and I are generally concerned about it while she is eating as it makes a huge mess. The boys though seem to think that a girl shouldn't ever blow a raspberry. All day long I can hear from one part of the house or another "NO MA'AM!!!" from one or both of them. It is quite cute. I am pretty sure she now just does it to get their attention since it seems to have an immediate reaction. She gets this look of glee on her face when they jump to attention. I can almost see the wheels turning in her brain, dance little puppets dance. She will have them doing everything for her in no time I am sure!


Daren said...

Owen is much similar. He either says no! or da-may! He gets especially worked up with Averie doesn't get something. He likes to stick up for her!

Little Blessings said...

And it is only going to get worse with #3!