Wednesday, October 21, 2009

LA INK or Bust!

It is almost a daily occurrence for Lucy to draw on herself. I have gotten to the point where I won't let the boys color with markers while she is awake because she doesn't seem to know how to resist coloring on her skin. I suppose I should be grateful that it is her skin rather than my walls but it is still a pain to try and keep her out of the markers all day. Especially since she has gotten big enough to climb up on a chair at the craft table and open the marker drawer. Fortunately almost all of our markers are washable so it comes off her skin easily. I just can only imagine what she is going to think of tattoos in the future. I think I will let Eric deal with those conversations though. Since I have one (and still don't regret getting it) I don't have the ability to dissuade my kids from getting them once they are all grown up.

Hopefully she won't go for the sleeves immediately. Goofy little girl!


Anonymous said...

That is just too funny! At least they are washable. I remember when Jordi climbed on our computer desk and raided the sharpies. We had squiggles on the wall, the desk and the computer. Best of luck to you and your artist!

Kelly said...

Will seems to have the same fixation. He just can't seem to help himself. I just have all washable markers and let him do it, your only a kid once!