Monday, January 10, 2011

Girls Bedroom Make Over- Phase 1

Tonight we finished making over the girls bedroom. To say that it is a tight squeeze at the moment is possibly the understatement of the year. Bedrooms in modern day houses are not designed for two twin beds.

However, we were able to get the beds and both dressers in the room without having to change too much. We did have to remove the closet doors but that doesn't bother me too terribly. I think the room would feel even more cramped if we had left them on. Phase 2 will commence in a few months. Maybe a year. We will stack the beds into bunks and the girls will have a LOT more room to play in. For the time being though this will work.

Gwen just will not stay out of the top bunk and until she is a little more stable with getting in and out I am just not comfortable with stacking them. Both girls are really excited for the new beds and Lucy can't wait for Gwen to actually stay in the room for the night.

We tried putting Gwen to bed in the big girl bed tonight and she flipped out. So it will be a more gradual process which is fine. Stay tuned for the transition though. I think it will make a super cute little girl room!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Fond memories of sharing my room with my sister, I am having a flashback of a tug of war over a pair of jeans...and it's a flashback that comes with a smile. LOVE sisterhood.