Sunday, January 9, 2011

Gwenie Girl 17 Months

It is hard to believe that my baby is 17 months old. I normally don't even think about their age after the first birthday but Miss Gwen is the first one of my kiddos that I actually have to remind myself how old she is. She acts so much beyond her age. She is quite the chatter box too. She puts together 2 word sentences and repeats fun phrases like "Spicy! Spicy in my eyes!" when we all get going on that kick. She is constantly trying to do everything the boys and Lucy can do. I don't know how she is going to react to a new baby brother in the house because she never seems to see herself as the baby right now. Gwen is also extremely compassionate and always willing to say sorry and give hugs if she does something or even just if someone is crying for no reason that she had a part of. It is very sweet to see her be so tenderhearted. As my days with her as the youngest draw to a close I am slightly sad. Just a bit though. I love all by babies and in someways want to keep them my baby forever. Even if I wanted to Gwen seems pretty determined to grow up.

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