Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Eric stayed home with us today and managed to get Gwen to fall asleep in her new big girl bed for a nap. Of course she climbed into Lucy's bed with him instead of staying in her own space but I will take any and all success with this bedroom transfer. Hopefully this will translate into a little girl sleeping in her big girl bed tonight with Lucy.

Waking up was not her idea.

But it was a really good rest!


Kelly said...

Have you reached the point that you have so many kids you have to label them to know who's who? LOL! I hope you went to church this morning or similar and that tape is just a remnant! Gwen is so cute, I love her sleepy little face!

Little Blessings said...

I was waiting for someone to say that! The tape is from the gym this morning =]

Ms. Leigh said...

I was wondering the same thing since Lucy had a name tag on her shirt when I came over the other day. I was trying to understand why they had named outfits.

For instance. This is a Gwen outfit, No Lucy you cannot wear it.