Sunday, August 28, 2011

Andrew Lost... In a Book

Andrew has found a new thrilling pass time this summer, reading. And he has found a particular series of books that he adores and is gobbling up as quickly as we can get them from the library. The series is called "Andrew Lost..." by J.C. Greenburg and it tells the on going story of a little boy named Andrew and how his experiments go wildly wrong. The books are a bit below his general reading level and it is one reason I think he is enjoying them so much. They aren't a struggle to read and he can just enjoy the story. It is not unusual for him to finish one book in 45 minutes or so. And they are about 80 pages each. It is wonderful to see Andrew reading so much and so intensely. He loses himself in these books and it can be difficult to pull him out of his brain to get any information or conversation from him at all. This is how I am when reading a new book so I can sincerely sympathize with his total commitment to the story. The only bummer is that he is almost done with all the series! There are only 18 books and he has read over half of them now. It will be interesting to see what we find for him to read next. I will cross my fingers that it will enthrall him as much as these books have.

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