Thursday, August 11, 2011

Checkups for Two

This month is chock full of well child exams for our family. First up were Reid's 4 month exam and Gwen's 2 year old exam.

Reid is doing great and just as expected. He is rolling and cooing and blowing raspberries all the time. He is also very much on the same growth track as Andrew.

Height: 26.5" (89%)
Weight: 17 lbs. 14 oz. (89%)

Proportionate and doing great!

Gwen also is right on track with her development. She is more verbal than many 2 year olds and is very interested in imaginative play. She often talks on a phone, rocks her babies and makes food in the little play kitchen we have.

Gwen actually increased on the growth curve for her weight and decreased on her height. She is getting closer to being proportionate rather than the string bean that she has been.

Height 34.5" (69%)
Weight: 27 lbs. 3 oz. (58%)

No cause for concern with either of them. A couple of shots and we were out the door. In a few weeks it will be Andrew and Zane's turn. I am very interested to hear about that one too!

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