Friday, September 16, 2011

First Week of School

The first full week of school is under our belt! I couldn't be happier with the way it is turning out. Andrew has hit the ground running with the same teacher he had last year. I can tell he feels very comfortable starting school this year. No big changes for him to deal with and process. It has been a great start to the year. Plus Andrew has really stepped up the reading since the end of last year and should be well beyond what is expected of a 3rd grader. (He is currently reading The Magician's Nephew by C.S.Lewis)

Zane has had a phenomenal week at school. I am so happy we delayed kindergarten. In just about every single way I can tell he is more mature and capable of having a stellar year. Zane has brought home a "I am proud" bear award every day this week. Plus I get to hear all about his day (Andrew was never as forthcoming with details about school) and even some info on what Andrew was doing during recess. (Andrew still is not terribly forthcoming about details!) It is a lot of fun hearing all about his day and what was his favorite part. The only thing I am noticing is that he is definitely tired by the afternoon and in all honesty could use a nap. He melts down quite a bit at home but I expected that. It just is part of growing up. Let's face it, I want to have a melt down sometimes in the afternoon too!

Gwen has finally gotten used to the boys heading off to school and no longer sobs for her "brudders" when they are gone in the morning. She loves watching for Zane on the bus and waiting for him. I am just loving the opportunity to snuggle her a little bit more and spend some extra time with her. The terrible 2's are hitting her with a vengeance and some days I wonder is we will make it until she is 3 but maybe she is just getting it out of her system earlier? This momma can hope right?

Lucy Lu is being such a wonderful help. The whirlwind is starting to settle a bit and she is becoming quite a huge help to me. Lucy has always been quite the momma's girl but it is shifting into being a big helper these days. She has been carrying diaper bags for me (usually the boys job) and getting wipes/diapers when necessary. It is such a huge blessing that she is willing to help some of the time. She is only 3 so I try to keep my expectations at a realistic level.

All in all a great start to the year. I fully anticipate it continuing just as well for the next 9 months to come!

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