Sunday, July 1, 2012

Mr. Monkey Man

Reid Isaiah is growing like an absolute weed. I don't know his stats but I am assuming that he has grown since he is climbing everything these days just like a spider monkey. He is still very, very busy but I think that he is starting to get it when we say no.Reid has recently begun to be VERY interested in books. He will happily sit and read for a long time. He even will look through books on his own. And he does not rip books which is a huge relief. He would have demolished most of our books by now if he liked to rip pages.

 Reid is still nursing a couple of times a day but mostly it is for comfort rather than food. His dairy allergy is still pretty severe although if he actually drinks milk (from abandoned Gwen cups) he will just have nasty diapers for a few days rather than projectile vomit. So we are making progress. I feel pretty confident that he will be able to eat dairy at some point in time in the future. Reid still is fairly nonverbal. He mostly grunts and points or tries to get what he wants himself. His vocabulary consists of Mama, Dada and No. He will shake his head no and nod yes. That is it. I am trying not to be too concerned. He is just a sweet little joy and a great addition to our family.

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