Tuesday, July 8, 2008

CheckUps for Everyone!

So I went to get everyone checked up yesterday and hear are the latest figures!


Weight 42 lbs 6.4 oz
Height 3' 9.25" (45.25" for those who don't like to do the math)
BMI 14.56! This is a new readout for him. No one else in this family has a BMI that low. Stringbean shall be his new name!


Weight 38lbs 3.2 oz
Height 39.5"
Zane finally busted out of the 100th percentile. He is what we like to call "on the chart" big!


Weight 17 lbs 14.5 oz
Height 27.5"
Lucy is shockingly tall. She jumped back up to the 98th percentile. Crazy! Eric has a co-ed basketball team in his sights. She is doing well though. I looked at both of the boys baby books after the appointments yesterday and Lucy is the same size (almost exactly) as Andrew was. He was a few ounces heavier but the same height. It is crazy how they grow!


Kelly said...

Lucy is really long! That's great. Hopefully she will be a tall girl. Molly is 5'9" and I am very envious. Lucy looks so cute with her little chubby cheeks and rolls on her arms. Do you have any napping advice for me? I really need some... How do you get them to consolidate naps?

Ms. Leigh said...

Travis may be right about Lucy outgrowing andrew ;)

Little Blessings said...

Kelly- I posted a response on your 4 month checkup post. (But I will restate it here!) I usually make mine put themselves to sleep. For what ever reason they seem to sleep better when they fall asleep on their own. You may try just keeping him up for a little bit longer (suffer through the super cranky, shrieking stuff and try to distract) so he is totally exhausted before he falls asleep. Mine have all kind of gotten into a two nap pattern on their own around 4 months though. It may just be a wait and see thing!

Kelly said...

Thanks. I think I need to try and keep him up longer, since he seems to want to go back to sleep about 1 hour after his previous nap. He stays up in the evening though and then puts himself to sleep at night. I need to get in to more of a routine myself and I think that would help him work things out.

Little Blessings said...

Hooray for him putting himself to sleep at night! I think that is the worst one.

Kelly said...

How long does Lucy sleep at naps? Is one hour a good nap? If he wakes up after one hour and seems happy would you get him up?

Little Blessings said...

An hour is pretty good. I think that Lucy is usually down more like 2-3 though. I think that sometimes they put themselves back to sleep if they are left in there awhile though. Like they forget that they just took a nap and drop back off again. It is hard to know though when they are really awake and when they should fall back asleep. Unfortunately only you can determine whether or not he has had enough rest!

joanna said...

Congrats on great check-ups for everyone. Gabriel and Kenzie had theirs a few weeks ago and Gabe was 21 pds at 9 months, 30 inches tall. This is my biggest at this age. Kenzie's BMI was 2.8%! Yikes, I am putting the girl on whole milk.
How can two kids sit at the same table and eat the same foods everyday (basically) and be so different (Josh weighs 86 pounds - she weighs 48 pounds) and is about 5 inches taller than her.
Hope to see you guys tomorrow night at church? Otherwise, I will see you Thursday morning at Cindy's!