Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fun in the Yard

We are soaking up the end of the nice weather in Western Washington. All too soon it will be too chilly (and too dark) after dinner to go out and play. That is going to be a real shame because my kiddos have truly enjoyed a big after dinner romp in the yard in the evening. It is nice because it give Eric and I an opportunity to chat without competing with the kids for attention. They happily play and we get to relate our day to each other.

Andrew is a super big brother. Always willing to push Lucy on her swing!

It is so nice that Lucy is able to play on the swing set without assistance. She is such a daredevil!

I am hoping for a few more weeks of nice weather. Winter can be so long and I am a total wuss about going outside when it is chilly!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Lucy's hair is getting so long!