Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Gingerbread House Fun

The time has come for decorating a gingerbread house! The tradition has changed somewhat over the years. The first year just Andrew did the decorating and it took FOREVER. This year all three little ones helped and it was over pretty quick. The kids had fun though.

Lucy had a unique style of decoration. It was called:

One for the House.......

One for the Mouth.

Needless to say, she did not decorate a large portion of the house at all.

Zane really got into the decorations this year. He was thrilled to put his candy on and he did not get frustrated about when they slid around.

Andrew always enjoys this project. I do have to remind him each and every year that the house will not look like the picture on the box and that we are not going to boss our siblings around when it comes to candy placement. With that instruction in place the activity usually goes pretty smoothly.

Now the house will sit until sometime after Christmas when I let them eat the candy off the darn thing. I think that is their favorite part.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

So fun! I am going to do mine Saturday after I get home from work.