Monday, April 18, 2011

No More Milk

Reid has been quite pukey lately. And when I say puke I am not talking about a periodic bit of spit up. I am talking about full on stomach emptying volume. I think I have figured out why he keeps doing it though. I am pretty sure he has a lactose sensitivity and when I drink milk or eat an excess of dairy products he gets very gassy and throws up. Because of course the lactose passes right into my milk that he consumes. So, this is going to mean no milk for me for around a year. It stinks. Mostly because I can't have ice cream. But it really is worth it to keep my sweet little man healthy and happy.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

There are these lovely little dairy free ice cream sandwiches called "Tofutti Cuties" you could still have. They are wonderful and low in calories too! Good Luck, I hope he gets better soon!