Sunday, December 2, 2007

Sick, Sick, Sick!

The stomach flu has hit our home this week and boy was it not fun! First Zane came down with the plague on Tuesday and puked twice for me in the morning. All was well until Thursday night for the rest of us. Just as Andrew came into our room to let us know that he had just gotten sick (around 4 am) Eric was making a run for the bathroom himself. I decided to join the party about 2 hours later. Let me tell you all, that is the sickest I have been in a really, really long time! I was completely down and out all of Friday and half of Saturday as well. Eric fared no better but we did manage to put up our tree on Saturday. Then last night to top it all off, Zane decided to get sick and puke again! This time requiring a complete outfit change, bedding change and some sympathy puke from his daddy. I will post some pictures later of the tree. It turned out really nice. But we were unable to go out and really enjoy the first snow of the year. I didn't even have any energy to take a picture of it. Sad. In a completely seperate note, Crystal thought the snow was very cool! She had never seen it before and was very excited that it finally happened after being teased by the weatherman and hopeful students all week!

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