Friday, February 15, 2008

A Hubby that Listens

Right now I need to give my Eric big credit for getting me a Valentines day present that I love! This year I asked him to get me new shower heads for our bathroom and the kids bathroom. The ones that we had were just the stock ones to go with the house and I have always wanted other fancier ones. Well, what better time to get them than for Valentine's day! Not only did he get me new shower heads but he got me the ones I wanted!

New one in the kids bathroom. Perfect for spraying down puking kids and diaper disasters!

A rain shower head for me!

I love the way these feel and have ever since I was in high school and stayed at my dear Teresa's house. Her parents had (maybe they still do) one of the rain type too and I fell in love with it then.

I should also mention that Eric did get me the See's candy that I wanted, some flowers and two new lilac bushes. Just in case y'all didn't think that showerheads were a very romantic present. Hooray for my hubby who listens!


Ms. Leigh said...

TOO Funny, I never new you loved that shower head. I have never been a fan! My dad still has it. It will probably be there until the day he no longer resides there. In other words, FOREVER.

Kelly said...

No one should have a shower wall that clean 4 weeks after giving birth! I love the showers with the hose for all kinds of messy things, and for cleaning the shower! Sprout is still where God left him.......but lots of contractions so there is hope.

Little Blessings said...

Crazy me finds the rain on my head feeling to be very soothing. I think that is why I like the rain as well.