Monday, March 17, 2008

Lucy Fern- 2 Months!

I can't believe it! My girl is 2 months old today and cuter that cute in my opinion! We celebrated the day by going and getting her passport. Or at least filling out all the paperwork and sending it off. We are planning two trips this summer first to Disneyland (please don't mention it to the boys! They don't know yet and they will drive me crazy when they do) and then to Whistler. Since we are flying to California it will be easier to do it with a passport than a birth certificate and the same goes for our trip to Whistler. Lucy's photo was awfully sweet. We got it taken at Costco, can't beat $4.99 for a passport photo and it was super fast too. Then we went and filled out all the paperwork at the Lake Stevens police department. That was cool too. Especially since we did all the other ones at the downtown Everett post office and ended up sitting in line forever. Not fun with little ones. I was telling Eric that it was good we were spreading out the paying for passports. It is not cheap and this way when they are up for renewal we will be able to spread it out then too.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all!


Ms. Leigh said...

WOW, I think I am going to say she looks more like eric! We got boys that look like a Sam and a girl that looks like an Eric.. Interesting.

joanna said...

You are so on top of it to be getting passports for everyone! I wish I could say I am so organized... we were talking about going to Victoria (one of my favorite places) but I don't think I can even round up the birth certificates for everyone without a great deal of effort. I am going to have to plan ahead, maybe later this summer. The photo of Lucy is adorable, she is such a cutie! Can't believe she is already 2 months old. Your aquarium day sounded fun, we try to do that about once a year, maybe we'll try it during spring break (since we can't go to Victoria -- lol). Sounds like you will have a lot of fun taking Crystal to all of the sites in Seattle.