Monday, January 19, 2009

Lucy Fern- 1 Year!

Today was Lucy's 1 year checkup. It always amazes me how fast they grow. Anyway, here are the latest stats.

Height: 30"- 79% No wonder her 12 month stuff is just almost too small and the 18 month stuff is still a smidgen too big.

Weight: 21# 10oz- 60%

All in all a pretty healthy girl. Her weight is dropping on the chart like I expected it would. She reminds me a lot of Andrew in the growth department.

Lucy also got some shots this morning so I am sure she will be kinda a crabby girl for the rest of the day. She was very angry over the shots and managed to squeeze out some big crocodile tears just to make me feel bad.

The doctor seemed pleased with all that she was doing: eating table food exclusively, walking, waving, saying "mama" and "dada." I guess that is all right on track. Now I just need to focus on labeling stuff for her more. I find I talk at her more than too her. Funny how things change when you have older ones in the house that can actually carry on a conversation. Less one sided talking is done. So now I need to make a special point of it.

I am excited to turn her car seat around so she can see where we are going as well. It makes the van so much easier to get into for Zane!

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