Sunday, August 2, 2009

Zane Bites the Bar

I have only a few (maybe more than a few) rules that are hard and fast at my house. One of them is don't play with the computer. In the event that something gets messed up on it I am powerless to fix it. And I am the one with the computer savvy of Eric and I. Today I was playing on the computer and Zane started messing around with the mouse. I asked him to stop. I told him to stop. Then I told him to go upstairs because he obviously couldn't control himself to not touch it anymore. That is when he started getting mouthy and lippy and screaming at me. In my enormously pregnant state I have zero energy to deal with cranky little people who are being sassy. Eric, on the other hand, is running on full energy and he didn't take too kindly to Zane's mouthiness. He told him to go to timeout. Zane screamed at him. Finally that sent Eric over the edge. We have been threatening Zane with soap for his sassy little mouth for awhile and today Eric carried through. I heard Eric say, "THAT'S IT!" and he went upstairs, got his bar of Zest (or Irish Spring or whatever it was that we have) and told Zane to open his mouth. Then he proceeded to stick the bar in for a second. Zane asked "Is it soap?" Eric said yes and you can wash your mouth out when you are done with timeout. Timeout ended and Zane swished and spit for a few minutes. I think it was effective. It certainly was not enjoyed so hopefully it will be enough of a deterrent to just threaten him with it in the future. Some days it is SOOOOOO much fun to be a parent.