Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Children's Museum

Since Andrew had no school for President's Day, we decided to brave the Children's Museum in Everett. It was packed with kids but we still had a good time. It was very nice that Eric went too. It helps with letting the kids do all that they want. Kinda hard for me to be 3 places at the same time. Divide and conquer works really well.

Andrew is pretty fond of the building area and the water room. He spends a lot of time in both these areas.

Right now the Children's Museum has a train exhibit. Which of course is a huge hit with Zane. They have some model trains up and running and a set all put together for kids to run trains on. It is pretty neat.

Lucy had a great time with the farm area and with the ball vacuum maze. I think she could spend an hour in this area just moving things around. It is lots of fun to watch.

Gwen spent most of the day in her car seat. The museum is designed for kids over 1 and really the exhibits are more for the 2 and up set. That is ok though. The big kids have enough fun for her too and she loves to watch the people walking around. All in all it was a great day!

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