Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just Call Her Chipmunk

I will never call her anything but resourceful. Since Lucy was tiny she has been able to get into packages of food or toys by imitating the most pesky of outdoor rodents. The Chipmunk. Lucy will chew her way into packages of food. Usually this is candy but occasionally I have found her chewing holes into the package of cheese. She does not seem bothered by the plastic that she must be consuming either. She just works her way to the good stuff and then goes from there. It amazes me how quick she is at it too. (Either that or Eric and I are woefully unobservant). We were making lunch the other day and the next thing I know she has chewed through the wrapper for a tootsie roll. And she was sitting right in front of me doing it! I would have a picture of her demolishing packages but honestly we are trying to discourage this type of behavior.

1 comment:

joanna said...

Gabe is the same way. Maybe they will live a life of foraging for food together. Gabe's particular favorite is chocolate chips. We store these in a canister under the counter (way too easy to get to). Sometimes we store them on top of the cabinets. When we have discovered him with them big sister is often implicated in the raiding as she is the only one who can reach them there...