Thursday, February 4, 2010

Not Much to Report

I have been somewhat neglectful of this blog but it has not been purposeful. It is just that so little has been going on lately with the kids I have found it easy to avoid writing. A brief recap of each one of their recent successes.

Andrew: Lost tooth #6 this week. Another trip was made by the tooth fairy. Andrew is currently saving all his money for some more Legos. I think he was almost desperate to pull the tooth out because he knew a dollar was headed his way!

Zane: Began swimming lessons again this week. We had been slacking off with going partially due to the money and partially due to the fact that I kept forgetting to register him. He is in Preschool 2 and absolutely loves it. We are attending classes in the morning and it has been much nicer than our previous evening attendance. It just made for such a late dinner.

Lucy: Acquiring more new words each and every day! This week it is pockets and cupcake. Also she is starting to string together some phrases which is really nice. Although one of her first phrases has been "NO! Mama!!!" So that isn't so hot. I guess I should just be accepting of it for awhile.

Gwen: Trying to pull her knees up under her while she is on her tummy. She can push all the way up on her arms and she can pull her knees up under her. Fortunately she has not yet figured out how to do them both at the same time. She is getting more and more chatty too with her babble. I also noticed that she is losing her baby cry. She is starting to sound more like a toddler. Occasionally I have a hard time telling her and Lucy's voices apart. She is growing up too fast though. Soon she won't be much of a baby at all!

I guess more was going on then I thought there was. But it is just the normal day-in day-out stuff and I don't usually think to post it. Hopefully I will be better in the next week or so! I just had to give you one more of Gwen. Isn't the flower adorable!

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