Sunday, March 30, 2008

A rough day for Lucy

Anyone out there who has experience nursing will understand this and for those of you out there with no experience I will explain. Right now Lucy is busy building up my milk supply. This requires her to nurse almost constantly for about 24 hours. It is tiring, frustrating and exhausting work for both of us. The end result will be fine but until her goal has been achieved it will be super frustrating for both of us. Today she has spent most of the day crying or nursing. Then taking a cat nap which she wakes up from irate and seemingly inconsolable. Only I will do for her right now and a bottle isn't an option. Otherwise my body won't respond to her needs and we will start the weaning process. I think this is hitting both of us by surprise to some extent because she really didn't do this at the other times she was supposed to. Babies usually go through this 4 times. 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. My boys hit every single one. Lucy coasted through the first two but this one is about ready to do her in. I am just praying that we will be done with this by tomorrow because multiple days of this is for the birds!


Ms. Leigh said...

WHAT??? That sounds horrible. Is that in the book. That sounds as scary as child birth right now!!

Little Blessings said...

Honestly it is not that bad and it is incredibly short lived. You just have to sit down and be prepared to have a kid attached to you for a whole day. All in all it went fine that is until the puppy peed on the floor.... today has been a better day.

Little Blessings said...

Oh yeah, it isn't in the book that I gave you but I have another one you can read that covers it. Oh the fun things you are going to experience....