Saturday, April 26, 2008

Deception Pass and Fort Casey

Today we went on a Washington adventure! to Deception Pass and Fort Casey. Our first stop was Deception Pass where we took some pictures on the super high and scary bridge and then had lunch at the state park down by the water.

Lucy getting some special Daddy kisses!

Everyone had a great time at the park. Even Lucy, although she doesn't look it in this picture.

The favorite activity of the day for the boys was throwing rocks into the water. Zane took one look at all those rocks and started chucking them. He was in seventh heaven. Especially since we weren't yelling at him to stop. I think he thought he was getting away with something.

Crystal learned a new activity today. How to skip rocks. You should have seen her face when she finally got one to skip. It was very cute!

Once the boys tired of the rock throwing we hopped back into the car and headed toward Fort Casey. Eric and I were a bit unsure of whether or not the boys would be into it because it is kinda scary with the dark and high stuff. We shouldn't have worried. They loved it. I was totally freaked out because every time I turned around they seemed to be on the edge of the fort about ready to fall off and crack their heads open. Fortunately they didn't and I was stressed out for nothing. Plus, they thought the dark parts were super cool. I find them freaky and refuse to go way in. Two things I can't stand: the dark and heights. Both prominent at Fort Casey but I still managed to have a good time.

Andrew checking for attacking ships!

Two exploring boys!

Zane picking flowers for me and Crystal. Every time we turned around he was picking some daisies for us. There were plenty for him to pick too. I think he could have spent all day picking flowers. He certainly does love the ladies in his life! He was such a sweet boy and so cooperative with the pictures. I asked him this morning if he was going to be so cute and let me take pictures and he said yes! Let me tell you, I held him to that all day! It was very surprising to me that he didn't flip out mid day though. He didn't get a nap and he woke up this morning with a super snotty nose. I can't even count how many kleenex I went through on him but he seemed to have fun regardless of probably not feeling his best. Maybe he was just too out of it to be ornery. Either way I will take a cooperative Zane anytime I can get him.

Crystal trying to put daisies in Zane's hair. He wanted nothing to do with it! Let me tell you, we are taking advantage of all this nice weather. Eric has the weekend off which is rare and since the weather is finally sunny we are going to do some of the stuff the we have been meaning to do with Crystal since she got here. Next stop is the zoo tomorrow. We are all excited and I am hoping to get some more good pictures!


Kelly said...

Lucy looks like she has a mohawk in the picture with Eric. So cute. I have been to deception pass, but never Fort Casey. I will have to check it out in June!

joanna said...

Great photos, i think the last time we were there (Deception Pass) Kenzie was about Lucy's age! So we are due for a trip again. I don't like the high bridge either! How was the zoo?
I'm glad you guys had a fun weekend!