Thursday, April 24, 2008

Soccer time

We signed Andrew up for soccer this fall It is shocking how early you have to do these things. I hope that it goes well. He said that he wanted to play and it was about the same cost as him doing swimming lessons so we opted to do it. I figure that even if he ends up not enjoying it, it is only for 2 months on Saturdays. I think he will like it though. He has really come out of his shell in the last 6 months or so and enjoys playing games with other kids. It will be nice for him to have a once a week activity rather than swimming in the evening. Especially since he is starting kindergarten. But don't think that I will be done ferrying kids to swimming, oh no, Zane will be starting that in September. The parks and rec people require a kid to be 3 and that will happen right before Andrew starts school. So, I am really not cutting down on an activity just adding a new one. At least this one will be in the middle of the day though and not mess up my dinner schedule. Not that it is too bad since we switched to morning swimming. That has been great and I think Andrew is enjoying it even more. I know he is learning more too. Not that he is ready for the English channel or anything :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Little kid sports are so fun! I remember when Jordynn started t-ball. It is a blast watching them interact with each other at a team setting. Sharing the ball should be fun to watch. .