Friday, June 13, 2008

Floundering no longer!

After a full year at the flounder level (preschool 3), Andrew now is ready for advanced preschool swimming lessons. He spent a whole year working on his skills and now he is ready to start the endurance portion of them. It is amazing to me to see my little guy swimming like a fish in the pool. He adores diving under the water to get rings and jumping off the diving board. If the whole class is going from the middle of the pool to the wall he is determined to get there first. It makes me feel a little bit better about all the time we will be swimming in the pool this summer. Last year I felt like he knew just enough to drown himself, this year I know that he will start floating on his back if he gets scared. Not that I plan on letting him swim alone or anything. I just won't feel so panicky when he is in the pool. I can concentrate on making sure Zane and Lucy don't drown! Andrew will start swimming lessons up later on in the fall because he is going to play soccer in the fall. His teacher figured that would be just fine and that he shouldn't regress. By then Zane should be in lessons as well. Lots of fun!

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