Monday, April 20, 2009

Some Fun in the Sun at Our House!

The sun FINALLY decided to come out in Western Washington and we decided to take advantage of it.

Andrew spent some time playing soccer. First with me and then with Daddy.

Lucy wandered around the yard and just enjoyed being outside in general. On a side note, she is now able to get up to the top of the slide on the play structure without any assistance. YIKES!

Zane spent some time playing with trucks and also played some soccer with Andrew and Daddy.

For Easter Angie and Reece got the kids these very cool bubble swords. They are a total hit and the boys played for quite awhile with them. I had gotten the kids one of those no spill bubble buckets and they had fun with that too. Lucy seemed to think the bubbles were to be eaten, but other than that it was a great activity.

I love sunny days! I wish they would be here to stay until at least November. Maybe we would get sick of them but some how I doubt it!!!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Connor has one of those Bubble swords, they are cool! It looks like such a great day! It is sunny here much of the summer, but the humidity is so unbearable that you really can't enjoy it. Plus with hundreds a month spent on air conditioning I would trade DC summers for Washington summers any day!