Thursday, April 23, 2009

Z's, Pee and Ready, Set, GO!

This week Andrew brought home worksheets to start working on the letter Z for his speech therapy. I think he is only saying it wrong about half the time. I love seeing the concentration on his face when he is doing his homework. He is a very determined little guy when he knows the correct and proper way to do something. I am so glad that we pushed the speech issue too. He is getting much clearer to understand and it is wonderful to hear the progress. He still has a lot of sounds to go but I am confident that he is going to tackle them with the same dedication he has shown already.

Zane had his first true boy moment this week. Tuesday we went to the park and somehow during the midst of the playing Zane and one of the other little guys went and peed in the bushes. Honestly I don't know what he was thinking. I understand that it is a very BOY thing to do but it still was so out of character for him. I think the other little guy mentioned it and it sounded like fun to Zane so he went along with it. It isn't so much of a big deal as it is just a shock to me that he would take that much initiative and just go for it. It is probably good that Andrew didn't see him either. He would have flipped out.

Lucy this morning was super cute. Eric was getting her diaper changed and he said "Ready,Set, Go!" several times and Lucy was saying it with him. Silly mommy, worrying about her talking! She is doing fine. I am just not listening for it. It was very cute though and we can get her to say it for us periodically. She looks so proud of herself too. She will be chattering like a magpie in no time!

That is all for us. Just thought a quick update was in order!

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